Our validation is

For all documents which need Verification and Validation securely, the only solution is DigiPatra

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Fully Customizable

Select from the existing template of your choice and edit as per your requirement..

Bulk Data Processing

Upload data to the Blockchain and generate a cryptographic hash of every document.

Bulk certificates download

Download zip or Public URL for all documents with Instant verification based on QR/Barcode.

Instant Verification

Just put your document hash id on verification portal or scan QR code and get verified.

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We focus on the growth of your business.

Our digipatra platform provides Blockchain enabled certificate on one - click.

We offer opportunity to individuals and organisations to store their documents through hashing and timestamping.

The documents are stored on a distributed ledger for easier and faster accessibility.

DigiPatra is a safe and secure service which offers validating and verifying the proof of existence of any document.

Explore More

What we offer?

A variety of features by digipatra make it unique and flexible to use.

Access on any device

DigiPatra works on any device - Desktop, Mobile or Tablet..

Online Dashboard

Detailed information and status of current work is always available..

Instant Validation

Anyone can instantly validate the documents using QR code scanner..


All data stored on distributed Blockchain with end to end encryption algorithm.


Once issued, the information on the document is sealed and cannot be tampered.

Support System

We have 5-stars rated online support system working 24 hours 7 day in a week.

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Own and verify your achievements

With digipatra, your Official/Non-Official documents are now yours forever. Receive them once, share and verify them for lifetime.

  • No fake certificates can be fabricated in the name of the issuer.
  • Certificates can be instantly verified from anywhere around the planet.
  • Value of the certificate will be increased. This is beneficial for universities as well as for students.
  • Overall reputation of the organization will be increased.
  • Benefits for the students.
  • No need to carry paper certificates for interview and while travelling.
  • No worries of losing certificates.
  • No need for third party authentication of certificates.